Healthcare advice

Any questions about healthcare? Head to, the national online hub for healthcare advice, information and health-related e-services. You can also call 1177 at any time for free, professional healthcare advice. In life threating or other urgent situations, call 112.

You can also find a basic overview in English about how to find the right health care on 




High cost protection

Swedish healthcare is paid for through taxes and available for everyone who has a personal identity number. There is a high cost protection for healthcare and prescriptions, you pay a maximum of SEK 2600 (2023) per year in total.


Appointment waiting times

It is good to keep in mind that because of nationalised healthcare system, there can be a waiting time for non-urgent appointments. This can be particularly true when it comes to appointments with specialists and/or mental health care appointments, which often have long waiting times.

For mental health care appointments, some digital alternatives have recently emerged such as the app Mindler which offers shorter appointments, but often with quicker access. The cost of these appointments still counts toward the healthcare high cost protection (“frikort”).


About Covid-19 in Sweden

As of 1 April 2022, there is no longer an entry ban to Sweden. Travel restrictions may however change and apply in other countries. We still recommend that you look for compiled information from the authorities before travel.

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